Elementary School Curriculum
In our elementary school, we focus on building children's natural capacity to learn by capitalizing on their creativity and curiosity. We believe that the classroom serves as the ideal environment to nurture this curiosity. Children are inquisitive and creative problem solvers. Our students' learning experiences are further enhanced through field trips where they make connections between their classroom experiences and the "real-world". These trips are an integral part of the experiential academic experience. In our elementary program, children are also offered classes in the Arts as a conduit to begin finding their own voice. Elementary students take classes in both the visual and performing arts. Our students learn best through interdisciplinary experiences that make connections between the arts and core curricular classes.
Our students learn how to read through phonics. We use the Heggerty and FUNdations program in conjunction with HMH's Into Reading program to develop a strong instructional core.
We believe the best way for students to learn math is through experiences that deepen their conceptual understanding and number sense. Students learn math through the use of concrete manipulatives and tasks that allow them to explore the nature of mathematics. Our teachers support students in developing critical habits of mathematicians and in applying their mathematical understanding in novel situations.
Social Studies
At QVSA, we use New York City's Passport to Social Studies Curriculum. This curriculum developed by New York City teachers is rooted in developing student's Civic Responsibility. The Passport to Social Studies program is a comprehensive instructional resource that integrates the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the New York State K-8 Social Studies Framework to support strong social studies teaching and learning.
We use the Amplify Science curricular program to develop our students' capacity to meet the Next Generation Science Learning Standards. Students learn science through hands-on experiences that incorporate the behaviors of scientists as they investigate important concepts in our natural world.